
Communication & Project Management (what some may consider "People")

Land System Management (taking care of the "Planet")

Research & Data Analysis (it's how you know that you "Profit"[ed])

Assessment (the addition of Integrated Planning and Benchmarking)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Introducing "Ask the Arborist"

Welcome to the first session of "Ask the Arborist".

What is it? Well, we aren't quite sure where this feature will end up yet but it is basically going to be an informative and fun Q&A with 2 Miles' expert, Avery McEachern.

So, without further adieu...

Dear Arborist,

While walking through the Wissahickon Creek area of northwest Philadelphia, my friend and I saw these dead and wooly-looking vines attached to a tall tree. Could you tell me what they are? Below is a picture I took while on the trail.




Dear Inquisitive,

Those vines, which look like tree dreadlocks, are actually living poison ivy vines.

The plant we normally look for on the ground is the same vine but in its early or adolescent stage. What you took a picture of is that itch and rash producing plant in its mature form.

Here's a fun fact for you: if your were to cut down one of these older versions of the plant, it would ooze a black gooey substance.

'Til next time,

The Arborist


  1. cool!! how do I ask the arborist questions?

  2. Hey! If you want to ask the arborist a question, just email it too
